Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Need More Sleep

So, had a long day of trying to ideate 30 more designs off the ones my instructors wanted me to tackle. Here are some of the original ideation sketches that I did for last week. We needed to come up with 40 different designs for a Push/Pull toy. I'm still learning how to incorporate my research into my toys, then add a fun factor. My designs are very mechanical, and the fun factor is missing in nearly all of them. Tomorrow I need to do the remaining 15 designs for this week, since I did 15 today. Also in the middle of a bike that will hopefully be done in the next two days. This stuff is fun, no joke. Click to Enlarge


  1. I had the same issue last term, they told me the mechanics seemed sound, and whatever functional concept I was thinking about was good, but it wasnt wrapped up in a "story" or a "character" to make them fun or look like a toy. What helped me initially was to try and "skin" my functional concepts with a cartoony animal or character, it has to get kids on that first visual read for them to want to approach it. a great functional concept that has a strong tie into a story or character really feeds off itself. (Ex, my dp2 toy was a pencil sharpener that was a beaver, the function and character worked together to tell the story of the beaver who gwas through pencils and poops out a trail of shavings behind) hope that helps

  2. Love the drawings Sean, personally speaking, as a 40 year old kid, i'd play with most of the products rendered by the drawing and be as happy as can be (though having a pencil sharpener beaver that poops shavings is also a very tempting idea)... i am glad that to hear that you are enjoying this term and working hard. Yes, "fun" is often the last thing one thinks of when faced with work, but fun (and sex) sells and appeals... and i do see, in many of your sketches, a certain whimsy... so, kudos! and, here, the next time you are up in the wee hours and need some images to just play around with your eyes, browse to: http://www.radiologyart.com/

    and remember, semper ubi sub ubi!
