Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ducati GT1000

Did the top left one in Product2 class while surviving a 4 hour critique. The bottom one was done last night from 2 to 5am. Stupid to stay up that late on a night when I can get all the sleep I want, but I was really into it. Really hoped that it would come out better but got so lost in it that the composition is really not contrasting enough, and the perspective is a bit off. Bottom one really suffers from no great focal point.


  1. Hey Sean! Great to finally see some of your work and to learn about what is catching your eye these days. I am really impressed by your self-critique at the same time that you are willing to share your work -- always room for improvement, but also great to get stuff into the world! Keep sharing! etl

  2. Hey Estelle! Thanks again for the support! Hope to see you and everyone soon! Will definitely keep chuggin at this thing and putting more stuff up

  3. great stuff!! you're inspiring me to a) buy a big sketchbook and just start cramming it with ideas b) going to sketchhelp c) starting a blog about learning the process, I think it helps provide an opportunity to continually take a step back and review yourself. I really get the sense of dedication and fun you're having through your sketching and writing.

    1. Do it Martin! And include the pics/process of your pens. Those things were looking fancy today. And yes schetchhelp is a must. Nothing like learning first hand. Marcel is holding it in 209 from now on by the way instead of the trans room.
